Since Neil is away down south on a jolly, I've been left to my own devices. I've got into the spirit of making cards today, made quite a few - took a while to get going as the first couple didn't look right for me, but persevered and got the cards made to a state i'm relatively happy with. That's always a good thing lol
A Christmas card - using masking technique, I've stamped and embossed the We wish you a merry christmas clear stamp from Daisy & Dandelion collection, Christmas Greetings with Heat it Up Denim blue embossing powder , and then used the snow flakes clear stamp from the Hobby Craft clear stamp collection and embossed with the silver pearl heat it up embossing powder. This was then highlighted with some gem embellishment and the piece was 3-D foamed onto a plain white card. I thought the card was quite subtle and effective, really liked how it turned out.
Will upload more cards when I finally take photos of them :)
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Its been a while I've done a life post, so thought I would put some words on the blog...... the last few months been interesting to say the least, feeling better and stronger. Although have noticed that I've changed quite a bit, don't think its in a good way either. I'm not as happy and go lucky as I was, but hopefully I will find my mojo back.
Many unhappy things happened in the last few months as well, but the finally one thing I have been looking for has happened now!! I've got my promotion!!! How exciting!! although I'm not as happy as I thought I would be - not sure why - but hey ho.... got it finally!!!
There's less than 8 weeks to 2013 - I'll be glad to see the back of it - it succccccccccccks!! Welcome 2014 - I can't wait for you to get here!
Many unhappy things happened in the last few months as well, but the finally one thing I have been looking for has happened now!! I've got my promotion!!! How exciting!! although I'm not as happy as I thought I would be - not sure why - but hey ho.... got it finally!!!
There's less than 8 weeks to 2013 - I'll be glad to see the back of it - it succccccccccccks!! Welcome 2014 - I can't wait for you to get here!
Ooops missed the deadline.....
Having seen the challenge on the Less is More blog, I thought I would give it a try, go back to basic and just do stamping.
So this card is where the inspiration comes from, however have noticed that I've missed the deadline in entering, nevermind I had fun playing anyway.
The card is a basic card blank, apple green. Used one of the clear Christmas stamp set I got from Hobbycraft recently, fab value - only £2, and its on 3 for 2!
Stamp the trio tree image 3 times with a green stamp cube, and again stamp the sentiment of merry christmas in the same ink. Put some papermania silver gem star embellishment on the trees and a green circular dovecraft adhesive gemstone on the i of Christmas
I thought this was simple yet effective.
So this card is where the inspiration comes from, however have noticed that I've missed the deadline in entering, nevermind I had fun playing anyway.
The card is a basic card blank, apple green. Used one of the clear Christmas stamp set I got from Hobbycraft recently, fab value - only £2, and its on 3 for 2!
Stamp the trio tree image 3 times with a green stamp cube, and again stamp the sentiment of merry christmas in the same ink. Put some papermania silver gem star embellishment on the trees and a green circular dovecraft adhesive gemstone on the i of Christmas
I thought this was simple yet effective.
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