Sunday, 27 January 2013

Dad's Birthday card

After yesterday's card making, decided to make a couple more whilst I have a relatively clear office desk again! (My hubby and I share an office, and he tends to leave his models tools etc out - not very useful!) Anyway.... was leapblogging today and noticed docraft had a blog themselves so joined that. They've posted a challenge, never done one before and since I need to make a birthday card for my dad - his birthday is in Feb, I decided to have a go. Its relatively simple but I'm in a mood for simple but effective so hope you all like it.
Submitting this as Docraft's Male Challenge

I used Forever Friends decoupage, paper from DCWV Colour block mat stack, papermania brads and pearlescent silver paper. 

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Card making

OMG I can't believe how much paper I have - lol i shouldn't complain but I need to get myself back into crafting big time and use some of my stash - on the look out for inspirations!!
Managed to make a couple of cards last time so will get them uploaded! And some others that made previously too! :D

Post update:

The 2 cards I made yesterday - they're A5 size, was thinking of donating some cards to the office to sell, with proceeds to a charity - the only thing is I'm not sure whether they will be good enough for people to even want to buy them! will see! 

I've left them blank inside.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Year 2013

New Year suppose to be a new start and everything going well. Going from a fabulous 2012, with new niece's arrival, our wedding to finding out we were expecting our first child to ending the year on a complete low. 
Early scan on the last day of 2012 shows bb wasn't measuring against dates, however there was a shimmer of hope that the dates were wrong or implantation dates were late. In the new year we had the confirmation that bb isnt growing and leaving us. I know everything happens for a reason and probably find out now rather than another 10 weeks down the line, but still don't make it any easier. 
I keep wondering if its something I ate, done, the medication i've been asked to put on  or purely of my conditions that caused bb to leave us. Unfortunately its one of the questions that will never be answered.
I'm still sad that we have lost bb but i also know that bb is now being looked after by my other angel niece which we never got to meet. 
In time it will hurt a little less, I'll find myself not tearing up as often but bb, we will never forget it. 
Its a shame we never got to meet.